Letters to Professor Reichman

Prof. Uriel Procaccia – Memories

July, 2012

“I am recording here a few of my memories from the period when I first met Uri, a time when we both were undergraduates at the Faculty of Law in Jerusalem, between 1963 and 1967”.

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Amnon Rubinstein – Memories

July, 2012

“I know Uriel Reichman from when he was a student, an assistant, one of the founders of the Shinui party, the head of the Constitution for Israel movement, which greatly influenced the legislation of basic laws on human rights in 1992, a member of the law faculty at Tel Aviv University, and – of course – the founder and president of the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya”.

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Amnon Zehavi – Memories

July, 2012

“It seems that you have found the golden mean for the duration thanks to the characteristics, abilities, and values you received from and brought to the battalion so many years ago. You safely passed through the melting pot of forging the fighter for all and these traits continued and grew throughout the years in their specific weight and influence, finding a way to express themselves in good actions that benefit the people and the state, all of which constitutes a breakthrough and ceaseless innovative activity”.

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Michael Zellermayer – Memories

July, 2012

“His dedication to the goal and his ability to realize it not only conceptually, but also practically – are beyond compare. His actions in building the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya created a central and extremely important change of attitude in the entire higher education system. His emphasis on the individual scholar, the student, and his welfare and happiness and his relation to him, created a new student that is invigorating and whose importance cannot be exaggerated. All that despite the obstacles, the objections, and the educated, intelligent people who told him repeatedly that he would never succeed”.

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